Day 188: Today’s Lesson

Today’s photo series was definitely inspired by this photo I saw a few weeks ago. It was probably also inspired by the research proposal I have been slaving away over all week. The proposal is all about early education on the topic of sexual violence (in order to stop rape before it begins). Anyway, check these out and tell me what you think!

Lesson Plan #1

Lesson Plan #2

So, which one seems like the better option to you?

A side-by-side comparison

I left the lesson plans on the board for whoever else happens to walk by and see them.

Resources for today:

This article about the prevalence of sexual violence from Be The Solution’s Facebook Page.

This disturbing article about incest, sexual violence, and the way the legal system handles those issues (credit to Micaela for this resource).

About Whitney

Crochet. DIY. Gardens. Nonprofits. Crafts. Travel. Organic. Food. Photography. Digital Marketing. Social Media. PR.
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2 Responses to Day 188: Today’s Lesson

  1. schleefy says:

    That is an awesome idea. I would love to see the faces and people when they stop by and see these two black boards…..great…all of them should support the left one but I guess there are some young dick h…..what will made fun on the important message….
    keep going……awesome young lady…..

    • Haha! I know I’d like to see what people think too! Maybe I’ll go around decorating all the blackboards on campus like this… 🙂 And thanks so much! I’m trying to keep on it! It’s really getting difficult now!!

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