Day 256: Beach Grass Infatuation

I found all sorts of hidden beaches on this beautiful coastal day today. I’m housesitting this week, and I’m only a few miles from where I usually stay. Somehow, I feel like I’m millions of miles away. Ben and I explored the coastline a little bit this evening. Unfortunately, I was unprepared and didn’t have my camera. After I got off of work, I went to this place called Happy Camp (seriously, try to have a bad day there!) and snapped a few photos. I know it’s similar to yesterday’s photo, but I’ve apparently been in love with beach grass lately.

Not quite as epic as the view I saw just before sunset!

About Whitney

Crochet. DIY. Gardens. Nonprofits. Crafts. Travel. Organic. Food. Photography. Digital Marketing. Social Media. PR.
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3 Responses to Day 256: Beach Grass Infatuation

  1. Everything about a beach makes me happy…including the grass! Love that blue sky too!

  2. schleefy says:

    I am missing the beach….Great DOF and a perfect blue sky…haven’t seen both, beach and sky, for a year now…..:-(

  3. ndjmom says:

    So missing the beach, love the name “Happy Camp” and how in the world did you get hooked up to house sit in such a lucky location. I want to find a way to do that!

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